• Brass-Tacks
  • A Short List of Likes and Dislikes

    We are at crossover, which is our chance to pause and take a closer look at where things stand. Every bill introduced this session has now been acted on and sent over to the other chamber for further review.

    We’ve tracked the trends and numbers, comparing this session to the last one. Right now, 10 bills that GNDC opposed have passed. Over the next 45 days, we will work to either stop these bills or make sure they don’t harm North Dakota’s business community.

    Here are the top three:

    • HB 1114 – Insulin Mandate
    • HB 1259 – Eliminate Daylight Savings Time
    • HB 1283 – Diagnostic Breast Exam Mandate
    Why do we strongly oppose these bills? They increase costs, limit business flexibility, and add unnecessary rules that make it harder for North Dakota to stay competitive. These aren’t the right solutions to solve these issues.

    Here are three that we are watching closely:
    • SB 2249 – Healthcare Mandates Study (this is bills has been reworked, we used to hate it - that was so yesterday)
    • SB 2282 – Employer Childcare Income Tax Credit
    • SB 2225 – Housing for Opportunity, Mobility, & Empowerment (HOME) Program
    We support these types of bills because they help keep workers in the state, promote business growth, and ensure data is used in decisions affecting employer costs. North Dakota’s business climate is strong because of smart policies, and we want to keep it that way.

    GNDC does more than just track legislation—we stand up for North Dakota businesses. We are the only organization willing to take on the tough, complex issues that affect the cost of doing business in our state. Every policy decision impacts business operations—whether it helps companies grow and invest or forces them to cut back, relocate, or even close.

    Want to dive deeper into the numbers? Join us for our Halftime Webinar Report on March 6 at 1:00, where we’ll break down the bills, trends, and what they mean for businesses in North Dakota. Registration is open for GNDC members.

    At the end of the day, everybody has a favorite bill—or one they love to hate.

  • Mar 17Legislative Social
    North Dakota Heritage Center & State Museum
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    ND Heritage Center - Bismarck
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    Minnkota Power Cooperative
    Mar 17Legislative Social
    North Dakota Heritage Center & State Museum
    Apr 22GrowND: Workforce Showcase
    ND Heritage Center - Bismarck
    Jun 18ND Future Forum
    HYBRID EVENT - Online or in-person
    Minnkota Power Cooperative