2025 Legislative Session
The 69th Legislative Assembly began officially starts on January 7, with Governor Armstrong's State of the State Address. This page will serve as a resource over the course of the session; members can track bills, become aware of key business issues, discover how to be involved, or discover GNDC's specific policy positions.
Advocacy is the heart of what the Greater North Dakota Chamber does. Collaborative in nature, our work throughout the session can be best summarized in three objectives:
- Stop legislation that would hurt North Dakota business
- Advocate for solutions to our three primary policy areas:
- Support and promote bills that are positive for the state's business community
Our efforts are non-partisan and our approach is bi-partisan. We amplify the voice of our members to promote the best business climate possible.
- Stop legislation that would hurt North Dakota business
Content related to the 69th ASSEMBLY
> Week 1: Kickoff Highlights
(Overview, 1036, 1114)> Week 2: Overview and Stances:
(2066, 1036, 1114, 1122, 2026)> Week 3: Overview, Stances, and Blue Law Defeat
(1159, 2094, 1060, 3003, 1150)> Week 4: Bill Count, Week's Work, Recall, Insider Peek
(2181, 2147, 1258, 1220, 1448)> Week 5: Bill Count, Fraction of Week's Work, Insider Peek, Recall
(Healthcare Mandates, 2282, 2225, 2239, 1571, 2206)> Week 6: Part 1 (Legal Environmental Theme)
Part 2: (Workforce & Energy)
(1349, 1372, 1391, 2314, 2308) (1279, 1483, 1608, 1012)> Week 7: Bill Count, Week's Work, Recall
(1452, 2380, 2370, 1442, 1584, 2321, 2208)> Week 8: Bill Count, Week's Work, Recall
(1036, Property Tax)
Specific Issues & Info
< State of State:
Armstrong's Property Tax Plan< HB 1150 (Blue Laws): We Hated This Legislation Last Millennium.
< NO to HB 1608: The Redundant Day of Rest
< HB 1036 (Apprenticeships): Sitting Pretty, Thinking Smart.
< A Win for Business Certainty: Thank You to Legislators Who Stood Strong Against HB 1571
< Smart Policy for Carbon Infrastructure
< HB 1493: Eliminate Office of Immigration? Top 5 List on why this idea is bad.
< Workforce Solutions For the Greater Good: Why SB 2282 and SB 2107 Matter (childcare)
Links and information specific to session details
Official 69th Legislative Assembly (.gov link)
As a GNDC member, you can sign up to receive legislative alerts that notify you of opportunities to share your input with your legislators directly. Your engagement with your representatives, combined with our influence in Bismarck, is a successful approach to making North Dakota more business-friendly.
"IN THE KNOW" - Info on Session
< Bill Basics
< Note from GNDC CEO & President: It's a Terrible Way to Start the 69th Assembly
< Protecting North Dakota’s Workforce Safety and Insurance (WSI) System
< The Burden of Health Insurance Mandates on Businesses
The catalytic leader and unifying voice for economic prosperity throughout North Dakota.