Legislative Org Session: Committees 101
GNDCMonday, December 5, 2022Last week, we talked about Legislative Organization Session - the how's and what's. We quickly brushed over committees but these "permanent" groups deserve their own blog of explanation. Committees are created during each legislature with specific purposes to perform the work of this branch of government.
There are two different types, procedural & standing.
Procedural – Statutorily required to handle the operations of the legislature
These committees include:- Arrangements for House Committee Rooms
- Committees on committee
- Correction and Revision of the Journal
- Delayed Bills
- Employment
- Rules
These committees include:- Appropriations (Meet 5 days a week)
- House Subcommittees:
- Education and Environment
- Government Operations
- Human Resources
- Senate Subcommittees - names are working titles
- Education and Water
- Human Resources
- Government Operations
- House Subcommittees:
- "A" Day Committees (Meet Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)
- Education
- Finance and Taxation
- Human Services
- Industry, Business and Labor
- Judiciary
- "B" Day Committees (Meet Thursday, Friday)
- Agriculture (Senate will review veteran affairs in this committee)
- Transportation
- Energy and Natural Resources
- Government and Veterans Affairs (House)
- Political Subdivisions (House)/ State & Local Government (Senate)
- Workforce Development (Senate)
GNDC cares about all committees at some level but watch some committees closer than others. We do so because of the nature of their work and efforts that these legislators will focus on. These committees have been called:- Industry, Business, & Labor
- Finance & Taxation
- Appropriations
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