• Brass-Tacks
  • HB 1244: Workforce tax credit for untapped population

    HB 1244: Workforce tax credit for untapped population

    GNDC likes bills that work toward solutions. When every industry is impacted by workforce shortages – GNDC praises bills that reward creative solutions and tap underutilized labor pools. We like HB 1244, which is an income tax credit for employment of individuals with developmental disabilities or severe mental illness.
    HB 1244 does three things:

    • Encourages employers to partner with the Department of Health and Human Services' Vocational Rehabilitation Division to explore different options to meet workforce needs
    • Allows a tax credit of 25% of up to $6,000 in wages paid annually by the taxpayer for each employee with a developmental disability
    • Removes the sunset, providing consistency in the tax structure 
    Insider’s peek: Testimony on this bill
    "This bill encourages employers to consider working with different populations and individuals."
    Cheryl Anderson, Vocational Rehabilitation Division – Associate Members
    "The individuals who qualify for the tax credit would receive either supported employment or customized employment to become employed at or above minimum wage. Supported employment matches the individual’s abilities to obtain open, advertised positions in the community. Customized employment identifies the individual’s abilities and matches them with the unmet employment needs of the business."
    The bill has passed from committee with do pass and passed House floor 93-0. We will support the advancement on the Senate side as well.