• Brass-Tacks
  • Celebrating Women You Should Know & Watch in ND Business

    On May 7, GNDC hosted a luncheon to celebrate the 2024 List of Women to Know & Watch in ND Business. The event was well attended and saw considerable growth from last year. The 2024 List truly represented the remarkable talent, innovation and entrepreneurial spirit driving North Dakota forward. From corporate executives and organizational leaders to groundbreaking entrepreneurs, these women are achieving tremendously across industries.

    In addition to celebrating the 2024 honorees, the event brought together an amazing community of past honorees and resounding support systems to applaud these individuals. New connections formed and existing ones strengthened over conversations about supporting one another's success.  

    Special remarks were made from Mike Teague (ONEOK), Christy Dauer (ND Women's Business Center), and a panel reflection from Rep. Emily O'Brien (BioND) and Kristi Jean (ComDel). Amanda Remynse, GNDC VP (Operations & Outreach) emceed the event.

    This was the second time this event has been held - GNDC appreciates the sponsors that promoted the list and the honorees on it. 
    Premier sponsor: ONEOK
    Partner sponsors: ND Women's Business Center & Hess
    Supporting Sponsors: Isight Drone Services, ConocoPhillips, Minnkota Power Cooperative, MDU Resources Group, Neset Consulting

    Congratulations again to the 2024 GNDC Women You Need to Know & Watch in ND Business! We were excited to celebrate the accomplishments you've made and plan to make in your careers to better your organizations, our state, and our futures. 

    2024 List of Women to Know & Watch in Attendance:

    2023 Honorees in Attendance:

    2023, 2024 Combined List of Women to Know & Watch in ND Business in Attendance: