• Brass-Tacks
  • Build and Beyond Keynote: ​Driving Growth - The Role of Transportation in North Dakota’s Economy!

    Build and Beyond Keynote: ​Driving Growth - The Role of Transportation in North Dakota’s Economy!

    Transportation is the lifeline of North Dakota’s economy, playing a critical role in connecting our industries, communities, and businesses. With a landscape marked by long distances between urban centers, a reliance on agriculture, energy, and manufacturing, and a low population density, efficient transportation is essential to keeping the state's economy thriving. At GNDC's Build & Beyond on November 7 in Dickinson, this opening keynote session will focus on the pivotal role transportation infrastructure plays in supporting North Dakota's economic growth.

    The keynote speaker, Dr. John Bitzan, is an expert in transportation economics and public policy, with over 30 years of experience. As the *Menard Family Director of the Sheila and Robert Challey Institute for Global Innovation & Growth at North Dakota State University, Dr. Bitzan brings deep insights into how transportation systems directly impact the success of key sectors in the state. His research has explored critical aspects of transportation, from energy consumption and pricing to regulatory change and market performance, all of which have real-world implications for North Dakota’s future.

    Some key points to be covered in this session include:

    - The economic importance of transportation: North Dakota’s industries—agriculture, oil, gas, and manufacturing—are dependent on reliable transportation networks to move goods efficiently across state lines and beyond. Transportation links local producers to national and global markets, making infrastructure a backbone for exports.

    - How transportation infrastructure influences development: Investment in roads, railways, and airways is crucial for rural and urban development. Transportation systems don't just move goods—they connect workers with jobs, students with educational institutions, and communities with essential services like healthcare.

    - Challenges and opportunities unique to North Dakota: From long distances between economic hubs to extreme weather conditions, maintaining efficient transportation is both critical and challenging in North Dakota. Dr. Bitzan will highlight how transportation systems need to adapt to these realities while supporting growth.

    With transportation at the heart of both local and interstate commerce, understanding its impact is key for stakeholders across the board. The insights from this session are relevant for businesses, policymakers, and community leaders alike, as transportation policy shapes North Dakota’s economic future, influencing industries that provide jobs and resources for residents across the state.

    This keynote sets the stage for the broader discussions on infrastructure and transportation that will follow throughout the day. The future of North Dakota’s growth hinges on a robust and efficient transportation network, and this session will provide a comprehensive overview of where the state stands and where it needs to go.

    EVENT: Build and Beyond - Infrastructure and Transportation Forum
    DATE: Nov 7 (all times, mountain)

    See session details and speaker bios online, here.