ND Transportation Forum 2023
The need for safe and reliable transportation networks continues to be important to the economy and commerce of North Dakota. Individuals or companies interested in engaging in conversations on transportation infrastructure development should attend.
This day-long event dives deeper into how transportation and associated policies play a role in all industries and our state's economics. National and regional experts will provide updates on trends and data impacting their organization, industry, and our state.AGENDA
(Speaker bios available here)
8:00 AM: Registration opens
9:00 AM: Keynote: Understanding How Business Innovation and DC Dysfunction Are Setting Up the Next Wave of Transportation and Supply Chain Opportunities, John Drake - U.S. Chamber of Commerce
10:00 AM: Federal Permitting Reform Discussion- Russ Hanson - Associated General Contractor of ND
- Brady Pelton - ND Petroleum Council
- Chris Marohl - Office of Senator Cramer
- MODERATOR: Arik Spencer - GNDC
10:45 AM: Networking Break
11:00 AM: The Impact of New Airport Terminals- Anthony Dudas - Williston Basin International Airport
- Tom Schauer - Mead & Hunt
- MODERATOR: Jennifer Eckman - Minot International Airport
1:00 PM: Future Focused NDDOT, Robin Rehborg - NDDOT
1: 45 PM: Networking Break
2:00 PM: Moving Forward: Future of Rail- Dan Mack - Northern Plains Railroad, Inc.
- Justin Pearson - BNSF
- Erin Roesler - Northern Plains UAS Test Site
- MODERATOR: Kimberly Vachal, Ph.D - Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute
3:00 PM: Closing Comments
Refund policy: Attendees registration refunds are available prior to November 1 (minus credit card handling fees). After this date, you may send an alternate from the same organization to the event without additional charge. To request a cancellation or to make a change, please email amanda@NDChamber.com.
ND Transportation Forum 2023Date and Time
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Members: $70
NonMembers: $100Tell a Friend
The catalytic leader and unifying voice for economic prosperity throughout North Dakota.